Thursday, November 10, 2022

why we need 500k

This was written for a possible investor but I think it sums it up fairly quickly:

Basically for about 500k -600k, one could in theory

1) buy my ex out of his share of the home (plus pay off the mortgage) before he forces us to sell the whole house in 2023 when kiddo turned 18,

along with

 2) hopefully have enough leftover to get supplies needed for kiddo & I to renovate the house and convert the garage into a studio living space that can later be rented out to cover the land taxes (and to build a shed with which to store the stuff we want to keep that is currently in the garage) 

------all while filming the entire process and sharing it up on YouTube or some such like venue---,

3) and redo the garden into a regenerative vertical edible Oasis (which could also be rented out to private yoga instructors or such like?),

4)while also getting enough camera phones, laptops, and tripods to film/stream the entire process and put it up on YouTube or such like?


5) and hopefully just enough leftover to make sure we had a passenger etrike with which to be able to maneuver our little elderly grandmother around town without us having to have a driver's license or car insurance or a car (this is crucial bc one of our biggest obstacles is not having an independent way of getting around the city and this would open up a lot of doors for us)

The philanthropy part would be allowing kiddo, grandma & I to continue to be allowed to live in the main part of the home ,

allowing us to create a space that would teach others about symbiotic regenerative living through our videos ideally?

And then allowing us to slowly over the decades buy back your portion of the estate (at a reasonable ROI) from whatever profits get made from the videos, renting out the garage studio & gardens and such like -- until it is all paid off plus a reasonable ROI for you...

Any thoughts on our proposal?

IF you have the funds to even consider the option, I sincerely hope you will at least consider it.

We would still need to meet you in person if you are up for it because we would need to know that we could trust you,
 and that you wouldn't be screwing us over, because this home means the world to us .. 

and the idea of making a mistake of going into contract with the wrong person is terrifying..

To ensure an accurate memory of what we say to one another, we will be audio recording the entire conversation both for your safety and our own.

If you are an open-minded person who might care about our little family, then perhaps you might be a good fit for this endeavour....

More ideas for how we would like to use our home to tell our story and help others at

Much obliged for your even taking the time to read this

Humble bow..,
The krineteagle family

Please read our other posts for all of our detailed  thoughts/ideas we have for how we would like to accomplish everything.

And for ways we would like to create an abundance of us and the land giving back to the world around us with your help of course .

please help us save our home !!


"Help us Create our urban foodforest story"
Profile Visibility:    
Houston, Texas, USA
46 - Female - Straight
Seeking: 18 - 98

My Profile

Relationship Seeking:
LTR, Friends, Travel Companion, Pen Pals, Just Curious, Other, Celibate Relationship, Celibate Marriage
Spoken Languages:
Marital Status:
Spiritual Beliefs:
Dietary Preference:
I eat anything
I drink socially
I don’t smoke
420 Friendly:
No marijuana for me
Often Exercise:
1-2 days/week
Energy Level:
Some college
How Green?
Medium Green (mostly green lifestyle)
Political Views:
Prefer not to say
Have Children?
I have one child
Want Children?
Living situation:
My kids live with me full-time
Willing to relocate:
Sun Sign:
Not sure
Rising Sign:
Not Sure
Moon Sign:
Not sure
Chinese Sign:
Not Sure
5’0-5’3 (1.52 m - 1.62 m)
Body Type:
Ayurvedic Body Type:
Not sure
Less than 100 lbs (45.45 kg)
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Medium curly/wavy
Eye Color:
Brown eyes
Use eyewear?

More Depth

Describe yourself (personality/attitude/passions/beliefs):
I am trying to find a relationship with a spirit/soul who would also be willing to co-own our home with us. ( the moderators do not want me to go into much, if any, detail because they want to avoid classified ads and would prefer i stick with what I am looking for in a romantic partner. -- But see that is exactly what I am looking for in a romantic partner:: Is the person who would actually be willing to help us with our dream,

who would be willing to buy my ex out and helps us do our dream to convert the property into a spiritual, sustainable, regenerative edible, zero waste oasis

I need someone who would be willing to help make our dream and vision we have for this very special little spot in the earth come true

Letting us and allowing and helping us to convert it into a place that we dream about for this tiny spot on this earth where individuals can come to learn about body awareness with a slight spiritual awareness, regenerative gardening, symbiotic living with nature, and the city all at the same time .... showing that it CAN be done INSIDE the city on this very special spot of this earth that holds so so so much incredible meaning to me and my little family (grandma, me and kiddo)

Ideally with the help of sharing our videos that we take of everything along the way, maybe teaching and inspiring others along the way?

That is the exact relationship I want.. that is the partner I want. Someone who will make it possible

and allow for us to do this..

Although I do wish I could be friends with so many people on here (if they would allow for us to be so),

unfortunately the only kind of person I would actually be willing to be romantically involved with us is the kind of person who would actually be willing to help us to achieve our dream for our very particular piece of land that means so extremely much to our little family.

You dont have to live with us, just be willing to be someone who maybe shares some of our values or who wants to help encourage and support this dream. Sharing a connection to us.

so we can stop feeling quite so alone in our endeavors -- which sadly we often do since most people want us to do this dream somewhere else, outside the city.,or at their place... But we seek someone who will allow us to do our dream HERE, please!

here, in this city, on this land that has the story of my family are deeply connected to.

we really need folks who will actively cheer us on and help make our vision a reality please please please.


Something i have found emphasized on many other folks profiles is their connection to their spiritual journey and hopes of finding someone who will share in that experience with them.

Upon rereading my own profile, i realized how much of our own spiritual journey was left out of our description of ourselves for others to know where we stood on such matters.

So i added an extra paragraph at the end discussing some of my own personal journey.

But to use one of kiddos favorite concepts taken from a movie he loved when he was little (Dr. Strange), I think our philosophy can be summed up in that.. of how "each part of understanding is all but a small understanding of the whole... "

And we all share in coming together to criss cross our paths and journeys to weave together to make that whole. And together the tapestry grows and changes shape..

Together the music evolves and is experienced at mutliple levels and dimension.

It is not just the two of us..but the ALL of us combined.

something I do try to emphasize to my son, is how each of us brings new insights and wisdoms to the table..

There is always something to learn from the other. There is always new insight and wisdom to be gained and beauty and truths to be see from each interaction and each experience and each observation.

May we be able to recognize in each other what the other brings...


my family (my son and mother) mean the world to me, plus the dream we have to help find a way to save our family's property, all while hoping to promote and encourage us all each helping each other and others to feel safe and create a world of compassionate inter-harmony

Note because this is important - in all that I do in life- i do try to share all of what I experience and learn in life with my family. Ie. Whatever ideas and thoughts you share with me, I will wish to share with them. This bothers some people who only want to share their thoughts only with me, but it is important to me that I be allo edtp share every thought with them as well..

I am but a small part of a bigger whole (my little family).. and our little family is bit a part of an even bigger whole that includes you and all the world that exists.


Hmm.. I can be a bit rebellious at times? though I do try to aim to do so in a positive way.

In an ideal world we would like to be accepting and appreciate of all people , but I admit I do have a small desire to surround our beings with other accepting and appreciative people who actually accept and appreciate us and our family the way we are,

and who will accept others the way they are.l as well.

We are very passionate about our hopes and dreams.

Our family's hope is
1) share life with each other,

2) to be able to document the lessons we learn life with our audio recordings of our conversations, our videos of the transformations and with kiddo's photographs,

and to communicate, & share all that we learn as we learn it so that others might also share in the journey some day

3) to practice as close to zero waste as we are comfortable with, and

4) finding ways to embark on our projects hopefully in a way thay will help us to save & transform our family's property into a regenerative symbiotic harmonious little archeological food forest oasis that will both keep our little family's story alive for generations to come but which will also teach and help others along the way, we hope..
Which will hopefully inspire others and leave them feel connected to us.

(We want someone who share our values and who will help us do this vision on THIS little spot on the earth which we are deeply connected to and where we get so much of our strength from. (Not another spot somewhere else..but HERE where I am connected to the land and the story behind it)

So if you or if you know anyone else who might be interested in being connected to our family in this way --please please please let us know, please! We are desperate to find this person who will help us with our dream.

Which we would pay back as the vision we have for the home unfolds and starts to become sustainable....and hopefully even regenerative! :D

-- our hope : that our family's connection to you and this little spot on the earth should one day give back to the world with it's story and lessons we have learned and with the inspirations we come across over the years

It is a very tiny tiny tiny tiny piece of the world, but no matter how small it is, we believe if you and I learn to coexist with the world the way it is, then the world will gives back and provide ever so much more in quite a symbiotic harmonious way?

We firmly believe in Permaculture's Three Principles: Human Care, Earth Care, Future care ..

We also believe in Zero Waste if possible, and we now keep that in mind when we buy anything now.

We also firmly believe that our family's story is a very special story is truly worth saving. And we would like to combine our story with your own story.. but to do that here..

we have this goal to make both the palace we are connected to and our lives to be all turned into a teaching way of being... of how to practice living with nature right here where we are..and to each other and ourselves in a harmonious co-symbiotic regenerative way... Despite our being in a city -- but showing the world that even inside a city one can find little spot of peacefulness to rejuvenate in.

We want to creat with you a small city space right where we are with an edible food forest oasis that we can harvest from to help feed both ourselves and the nearby neighborhood,

It has been a strange existential journey trying to finding funding/resources/and backers who would be ready to help to help do this. Lots of nibbles but now we need to make it actually happen somehow.


We have appreciated all the kindness and support that we have come across to try to accomplish this goal in the way we envision.

I admit I am less interested in a sexual partner as everyone else is (as I tend to be a bit asexual despite how much I once upon a time used to love sensuality) , but I have also started to give up hope of finding someone willing to help us on our journey just to helps us..

So i have come to accept that you will eventually need for this all to evolve into a more intimate relationship over time., But I admit I do fear your making that a requirement...., When I am ready, I will open up and bloom for someone again, but my first priority right now is to feel our dream and our main hope and goal is life will be kept safe,please .

But yes, I am looking for a deep connection with whomever helps us on our journey and our dreams.

Maybe one day our little family project will expand outwards into becoming a little non-profit that helps to convert other similar lots into edible healing oasi for others to heal in if all goes well,

But for now , I long for the friends who will help us to open our hearts and our beings to the universe.

I am looking for that special someone who will help me save this spot of the world that holds so much meaning to me and who will help me to convert them into the vision we have for them,

They say who we seek is seeking us. Please person, please find us.

Please help us to create a little world with a mini foodforest/edible oasis/regenerative feel to it -- with the space that holds so much meaning to me personally please.

Be a part of the evolving learning we are doing.

Btw, We hope to document our live in hopes to that maybe it will help other to learn on their own journey all that we have wanted to learn .. so please be okay with us recording the whole process of our evolution.

Maybe share our journey learning about communication/empathy/conflict resolution

We love edible flowers in our yard, and enjoy sharing our food garden. (Maybe you can find us by 'hopingforagarden'? We would love at least that teeny tiny bit of connection with you, if you allowed it? Wistful sigh of hope...

We photograph and video the world as our way of functioning and breathing, and always have a camera with us -- it is our breathing tool to make it through each moment and to be able to function.

NVC (nonviolent communication) Active Listening and Empathy skills

We do not throw things away, but find ways to save things for art projects.

When the time is right, and when the funds are available, a shed/storage place will be built offsite to store items for easier access for both me and other artists to use the material.

By the way, we know this bothers some people, but i treat my kid as an equal partner in all these ventures, (always have ever since he since the beginning) since even though he is still a kid or more not quite yet adult status, when it comes to these ventures, I am his equal in learning. we learn from each other.

And I do not want anyone discriminating against him or treating him lesser because of his age, sex, race, or ANY stereotype.

If anything ever happens to us, we hope this project will continue & help others in its story.

We try to be openminded and accepting and appreciative of others and eager to learn from and share what we have learned.

and eager to find others who will be open to encouraging us to pursue & acccomplish these dreams & goals for wanting to use our own land to help to create these harmonious symbiotic relationships with the many worlds around us. :)
Describe the type of person you'd like to meet:
inner wisdom

In a dream world, yes sure we would love to find soemone who yes had the money to be a backer in helping to save our properties to help transform them into regenerative land that both teaches and helps to create an abundant oasis for both those who help out on the land but also to others who are in need.

But i also wish to find souls that we admire or who inspire us or who shar some viewpoint about life that we wish to encourage in our life.

yes sure, we desperately want to save our home & pray that we will find a relationship with someone who will allow us to keep being able to live in our home and do our projects

but we also need people in our lives who will help us to feel safe enough to connect to our own inner wisdom

& patience.

Somebody who believes in communication and empathy and active listening and body listening or is at least willing to allow us to learn all that

Someone who is aware that though I may deeply need to be hugged and loved, that it may be awhile before I heal enough to be my old sensuality.

True, I do not know when that will be.

My past tells me it will occur naturally if and when I feel fully safe and secure and empowered again, but I do not know when that will be.

I know that eventually I will be there.

Right now though what I hope for is friendships whom I CAN feel safe with..

People we can trust.

that our dreams are safe, that we are accepted and loved,

who will encourage us to do our projects,

That feeling of reassurance and delight in our silliness & learning
Describe the ideal relationship:
ideally, I want a relationship with a person who would actually be willing to help us to fund and or do our projects,

But kiddo & I also need people who are happy and content just to hang out with us as well

valuing our company and our dialogue if we interact with you..

and you treat us more as a close sister or cousin or close friend..

not actually needing for connection to me be a sexual relationship.. But content with just allowing us to be friends with you? I need that first in life.

in fact, ideally you would allow me to be a celibate monk? At least until I am ready to be something different, but in meantime I need you to just be happy with our just being

admittedly eventually it would be nice to allow for the space for the connection to evolve into even more someday..

But it would need to be someone who would be willing to allow for my passion for recording the world and for my connection to my family's property and recognizing that they form a connection not just to me, but also to my family as well.

That we are all parts of a whole.
What should a great date consist of?
Spendin time with you and my family in the garden

discussing science and or religion, spirituality or philosophy, the world around us and or history

and well whatever other mjsc bits of insights and wisdoms or observations or pondering our inner souls wish to share with one another

An topic that comes into being.

Or even just enjoying a peaceful quiet enjoying of each other's existence,maybe just meditating or doing some simple yoga, Qigong,taichi or some other form of bodymind listening?

Either way,
allowing me to simply be quietly purring away content like the kitty cat gets to do -- letting and even encouraging me to audio record the whole beautiful conversation of delight & joy & being

Describe your work/business and what it means to you:
right now my job mostly consists of caring for elderly mom and raising a homeschooling teenager, while trying to keep our lives afloat until we are ready to go forward in create an online prescence to share ideas we would like to encourage being shared...

ideally, some day we would like to share our very unusual edible garden
teach body listening
helping kiddo with design work
And ideally the investor will allow us to
convert the garage into a studio to be rented out to those who want to be experience a food forest oasis/retreat inside the middle of a city

Along with maybe renting out the garden as a yoga space or small event teaching space or where artists,writers, body practitioners, small music groups could rent out?

ideally we would make podcasts and do more with sharing our journey on youtube though currently we are not quite ready to go full force just yet on that.

not sure if we are allowed to share our links, but if you contact us, there is a lovely little link to a small sharing of a conversation we made several years ago when kiddo was little on the topic of empathy that I love to share..
Or if we could share the other video experiments we made and wanted to share, we would be very honored to be allowed to share it with you.
Share something unusual or extra special about yourself:
i video / take pictures of well, everything... all of life.. esp if it involves a transition or change of any kind... we also live in symbiosis with the tech to create a synthetic back up memory to our limited human memory banks. (this is a problem for some people, so you will need to be comfortable with this if you want to be around us. Especially after mom started developing memory issues, we have found it extrememly useful but even before kiddo and I found it extremely useful should there ever be even the mildest of conflicts, and it also has allowed for incredible insight in active listening & perspective learning.

Also unusual: i treat kids like equal human beings and only respect the other adults who do the same and who never treat others as lesser human beings because of age, sex, race, or abilities.

i know how to cook without a recipe ((apparantly not every one is willing to do this..though i agree, having a rough idea of the ingredients does make a difference))

i have been body listening my whole life

btw.. there is a question i often get asked in terms of the land we are trying to save.. and i realized that the answer is kind of something that leaves kiddo and I quite unique: most people want to sell off their city land to buy something OUTSIDE of the city.. not us.

we want to show how one can live a zero-waste, regenerative, food forest oasis sort of way in a symbiotic harmony with both the land and the people around them INSIDE a city, in just your typical everyday neighborhoods regardless of whether they have an HOA, or just whereever they are in the city. Our immediate need is to save our own home this year but eventually we would like to save other places connected to our family as well -- which would consists of 5 different sections in five very different parts of the town. Eventually the goal would be to save ALLLLLL FIVE parts. Three of which will could eventually pay for itself in a regenerative way with the vision we have for them.. while the other two more are so small,.they would more basically be used as a storage back up places and a free food forest for the local neighborhood more as a gift to the surrounding neighborhood, which are in some not so great food desert parts of town.

But what makes us unique I think is that we don't just want ANY piece of random land that we can work and that will bring money back.

We want to work the land that MEANS something to us. That we have a history with.

That holds an emotional meaning to us.

I know many many people will not be able to relate to this, but This land is more a part of our story then any human being ever..

and so we want to tell the story of our evolution of who and how we are using this land as the main tool to do this. THIS land, not some random other piece of new piece of land. but this one that holds our history of who, and how, and why we are the way we are.

it also includes the where we come from and what we are as well. it is a very very special land to us.. so we please request that you show respect to our wish and understand our reason well enough to not ask us: "but why not just sell and go somewhere else where you can own MORE,. and where it might be EASIER to do what you want to do. "

I have now explained why this land and not some other. ---- It isn't about ease. or having more. ---- it is about taking what we already have, on land that actually holds a deep meaning and a deep connection to our very essence,

and showing how it can be done on what is already here. inside OUR city.

For example, one of our most favorite places in the big bustling city of New York, is this small little rose/flower garden right next to a big street with tons of traffic and people, but when you walk into that little garden, your world becomes transformed and you enter another world, and your mind all but blocks out the noise surrounding the garden. you have entered a new world.. a respite .. a place to rest, recover, recoooperate, right then in the middle of the city. a little haven .. a regenerative haven that connects you back to earth and yourself.

now that is the dream... to create that in a place that holds meaning to US .

We want a relationship with someone who understands and accepts our dream and what we value.. which is why we have spent so much time trying to explain what we care about.

I so hope you will help us to do that on this land that means so so so so much to us.. please
thank you!

Even if it's just be being a friend,

or by following along on our journey through one of the online avenues we created, or by actually becoming an actual partner with us on this journey

ahh.. couple last detail that makes us rather unique.. um.. we do things SLOW..

like really super slow. so you will need a ton of patience with us. like it will be a test of your patience and acceptance levels.

final bit: it is a very long story, but I can no longer can drive a car .. so there's that...

And sadly, our world doesn't get to fully be functional again until we one day have access to a way of becoming independently mobile again.. so in any one wants to gift us an etrike (which doesnt require a driver's license) that we could drive mom around town in , that would be a humongous blessing and quite the gift of a type of functionality that so many take so deeply for granted.

When it was just kiddo and I, walking on foot or bus or bike was one thing, but with mom, whom we cannot leave alone at home anymore, something with 3 wheels is needed.
Sigh. Sigh.. sigh......

What do you like to do for fun/activities?
video, plant edible plants in my own garden, listening to my son converse with people, sharing life with my familly, eating yummy organic/sustainable meals, watching documentaries/films with my family, curling up with my family
What does being *conscious* mean to you?
being aware of one's body and one's emotions and why you think a certain way and being aware of the people around you, their emotions, and why they think the way they do, being aware of the plants/life forces/life all around you,
How long and what motivated you to be on a conscious path?
a buddhist father, a mother who loves gardening, my son, every darn event and experience in our lives...
What types of healing modalities do you practice or would you like to learn?
body listening: mostly shoulders and back. (similar to a combination of reiki, rosenmethod, tui nai, jin shin, trigger, passive joint movement, swedish, deep tissue, shiatsu, active listening, )
would love to learn more about conflict transformation, active listening, empathy, mediating, and other massage styles, interested in all forms of healing and listening.
How are you environmentally conscious & what are you doing to help the planet?
attempting to practice a form of zero waste, composting, attempting to teach others about more environmentally harmonious ways of living, ,trying to convert our garden into a mostly edible and sustainable garden, though i mostly only work with 'exotic'gereen since I seem to kind of not know how to do regular vegetables :/, sigh
What are you most passionate about?
1)being able to be with my family, 2)recording & documenting as much of life as I possibly can,
3)communication, 4) saving my home and our family's story, 5)edible gardening, 6)zero-waste
What is the top priority in your life right now?
my mom and son, saving our home,
and sharing our online project ideas with hopes that it will reach and inspire others in some small way with us sharing who we are as we are as we evolve and learn and grow ever so slowly and hopefully with your connection to us as well.
Where do you see yourself 5 years from today?
after saving & transforming the properties with vision we have for it,
maybe learning a few languages and maybe traveling some with and documenting those travels?
What type of travel do you enjoy?
ALL -+ but ONLY if we have a working camera with enough battery and storage space to video and record the entirety of it all.

2021 update: I also will not be doing any travelling until after we have saved our family's propety and it is safely in a trust so that should anything happen to us on our travels, it will be ensured that the project will continue on without us. feel free to ask to see a draft of the project we would like to work on for our properties once we get the funds to accomplish it.
Describe your ideal honeymoon:
depends on many factors
What types of books/authors do you enjoy and why?
Books on communication, self awareness, leadership, conflict transformation, food forests, regenerative practices, fantasy, sci-fi,
What/who are some of your favorite movies/films/actors?
long list
What kind of music moves you?
early baroque, jazz, linda sterling, harp, synth, blues, 80's, red priest, russian classicals, musicals-gershwin, gypsy kings, long list..
What kind of pets do you have? (Names)?
officially: one queen indoor/outdoor cat,
unofficially outside there are two opossums (well at least the opossums seem to be living off of our land)(though 2021 update, now it seems to be raccoons that took over no longer the oppossums), a thousand squirrels (actually that would be interesting to count to see how many there are actually are), periodically some bluejays when they migrate through, a couple of cardinals live outside, a few rockdoves, and a family of determined mocking birds who take all the grapes and mulberries each year, a gazillion snails and the lizards and garden snakes that eat them.
okay, none of them are pets.. they just all coexist with us.

Update 2022 - we also now have a little half blind probably quite old little chihuahua co-existing with us who has added a new dynamic to our lives
Do you support any charitable organizations?
IF I had the money, there are several educators on Patreon whom I would support and the Inga Foundation, Geoff Lawton's Permaculture Institute, Dan Barber's Work, other land regenerative projects.
What makes you smile?
Kiddo, mom & I sharing events together.
Yummy meals,
When somebody lets me splurge on edible plants
When my family is together
When I am not worried about money or making our dreams come true
When I feel able to share our world with others
Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I wish I could share with you some of the links we like to share neat insights and thoughts on.

Even if you dont think we would be a good match, I hope you will still allow us to be connected even just as acquaintances or as friends..

We are all always connected, but it would be nice to also be allowed to share views and thoughts & learn from you even off this site.

what I would love to have you ask about
I know many on here are opposed to social media but do you know of a better way to reach folks who might not otherwise have a way to be exposed to new and interesting ideas or perspectives?
We would like to someday inspire- and that medium exists and allows for an interconnected tapestry of perspectives and ideas so wanted to be a part of that sharing of ideas and thoughts into the medium of souls.
I forgot I was not allowed to post any links to any of our online projects that talk about our journey, so they were taken down, but I would love it if you asked about them.

My son and I started have experimented and over the years created various different youtube channels experiments nd a few facebook pages to share the different aspects of our journey and facsinating evolution & creation of ideas with other in hopes of inspiring others..

from our gardening/cooking journey, to our bodylisteningawarness journey,
to our overall homeschooling/life/learning journey.

We even have a couple of twitter pages that we rarely post on but they exist for those who like that medium..

and even have a Patreon page and makesupport page which I do hope you will ask about, both with links to most of it in hopes of sharing our creations.. .

All in hopes of creating our own large interweaving network & connection to the soul & spirits that interconnects with other peoples networks and their own webs helping to interconnect the world into a beautiful synergistic tapestry of harmonious or intweaving interconnections... or something like that,

bit of amused laughter at our strange journey.

much love being sent out to you.. I am grateful for our connection to you..

Thank you!!!
what would you like most?
I know on here I should have some spiritual answer

but that is ever ongoing journey that involves our whole entire lives

Right now this particular year,

what I would like most is unfortunately very worldy. to find a relationship with someone who actually wants to help us to save our family's home so we can create on it the vision we envision --This is the the first priority in a relationship we seek .. you must be willing to help us with OUR dream.
Sorry if that makes me seem like a narcissist or selfish but I need someone who cares about our dream please...and who wants to help us make it happen. That is the kind of person I truly need in our life right now.

I need someone who cares about helping us to achieve our dreams to turn our home and our garden turns into an edible oasis where artists and bodymind teachers and writers and other souls from around the world can come visit and rejuvenate in.

You need to be willing to help me & my son with our goals.

After that,maybe some help us save the rest of our family's dreams & transforming all the spaces we wish to change into an edible oasis (i will be honest, the whole vision includes shaping many places into places that would be giving back in abundance both passively through all the teaching mediums as we share what we are working on and teach others in the city)

Another thing we would like most is to Be connected to other folks who also encourage edible gardening, body listening, and even just simple awareness and kindness and patience and compassion and an allowing and encouraging of the world to be an interconnected rejuvenating safe place to coexist in.

-Being allowed to documenting our family's design journeys. -

I don't know if they will let me keep these FAQ but they seem to be important to anyone who is consider a relationship with us.

FAQ: in total, how much land do I want to transform : as little as it sounds, even there are different pieces of it, all together it is only about an acre. But our home which is the highest priority right now.. it is only a quarter of an acre. -- Remember this is INSIDE a city.

Next FAQ:
why not sell and buy land outside the city...? Several reasons.... One bc we want to show that this CAN be done INSIDE the city. We have actually seen different variations ofour dream/vision inside different cities, but we have our own variation we would like to do.

Also. Bc the whole of the pieces tell a story, our familys story.. And we would like to share the evolution of that story. And we would like for you to be a part of that story, please.

There is a blog called envisioningourgoals dot blogspot that answers tons of questions and talks about various obstacles we need help with.. though i am not sure how findable it is without the link. So you will have to write to us to get the link.

We hope you will choose to have a relationship with us, even if it is just as a supportibe friend

But even more so, we hope you will share our dream with us on an intimate level.

Note: intimate does not necessarily mean sexual.. it means on mental, emotional, psychic level .
Spiritual History
Grew up with a Buddhist Father, (who had once had our living room be a Meditation Hall with only pillows amd one rocking chair as furniture)

As a child, on the weekend he would take me to many different meditation halls and let me hold theoretical conversations with the different head monks of each place while he interacted with them.

One of my most profound moments and first enlightenment experiences was sitting on a snow bank next to a hot spring meditating & communing with nature outside as a 4 year old while my family sat inside meditating all day long. (At four, i found being inside a hall not quite as connecting as being outside in nature) ..

Since then I have had four other just as equally profound moments of wholeness and connection to something beyond itself and many smaller moments though just as profound in their own way.

Let's see what else, random bits... In college , I took several religious studies classes on Buddhism.

Around 21, I had some events occur which brought me to an Eastern Orthodox commune up in Alaska,where a priest who had studied both Zen Buddhism and Eastern Orthodoxy was staying at. On the second night there, he stayed up all night to translate vocabulary so I could discuss Buddhist ideas with the Orthodox terminology that was used at that commune

While up there in Alaska, the adventure continued on after the commune to a fishing boat which took me to Kodiak -- where I had many many many even more profound spiritual moments while living "homeless" on that island.

From the first night homeless , to a later morning i "woke up realizing the profoundness of our journey of being in Alaska at all and the beauty of the journey that had brought us there, after staying up all night on a illegal island,

to the beautiful experiences I had living for a week with a small handful of nuns on a different moss covered island that was off the main travel paths,

Although I may not seem as spiritual as some bc I dont seem to emphasize that part of the journey outwardly... Inwardly it is still important part even as we have been focusing now on saving my family's property..

The journey does still continue even while we try to do this.

Though probably from a different angle now

- both as a single mother interacting with a very old soul coping with being in a new life (ie . when kiddo was 3, instead it felt like i was an interacting with a 3000 year old sage in a 3 yr old body and even as he has gotten older it has been about helping him come to terms with the limitations of the world around him when he gets frustrated or confused of why it doesnt it have all the same understandings that he has)

Mixing that all in and combining it all with all the new 'disabilities' I now have....

And mixing that with the existential quandaries that watching a parent go through dimensia up close can do..
(It is nonstop grief and recogniztion of the frailty of the human mind with a soul deep underneath it all)

The journey has only gotten more profound, interesting and insightful....

From the twilight zone experience of how our my ex left after 20 years changing all that we knew about people and life...

To the world experiencing covid and the changes around us it made

to our own expereinces caring for my mother confronting and learning more about myself and why certain parts of me existed..

To raising a child who was so different and unique who became the teacher ..
... where i had to "unlearn" all the myths and theories about how children were "supposed to be"....

To the journey of trying to figure out how to find someone who will help or share our dream to save this place to use it as a place to continue to teach and awaken....

Learning a spiritual journey that includes it all..

Trying to stay connected to the wisdom of patience and the beauty of the journey along the way.

Bodymind Listening
When I was a little girl, I could not hear music without dances being constantly choreographed in my head. Dance was my expression, my way of being.

Then some events occured .. and my mind became paralyzed with that world only sneaking through to me at brief random moments...

Also starting from before I can remember, though dad used to say even as young as two, the way I connected to folks was different.. through touch, hearing their minds through muscles and people's body language ... When I placed my hand on someone's back I heard people on a totally different level then words.. I "heard" the movement the conversations of their muscles. I processed it as a sort of sound only without sound but it might as well have been sound.

For years, I never charged people for this touch bc it was my way of connecting to the world until one day I was in need of a healing touch myself and it took me two weeks before I could find someone who could do the same for me that I had been doing for others my entire life. Suddenly I started to become aware of being taken advantage. I went to a school to learn how to utilize this skill professionally, but never could quite accept the coldness of the way the connection was taught despite its healing nature.

So I let my license expire and tried to utilize all that I have learned in life in other different ways.

I am still learning how to incorporate how I am, and the knowledge I have, and the abilities I have, in a world that asks for me to relate to it in a different way then I would like to be..

The journey is long.
Copyright© 1999-2022 Conscious Dating Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

never be lonely again

Care about someone enough to pay for every text they send you and my bet is you will never be lonely again bc they will feel cared about and will return the caring.

Are they only interested in the money.?
 In order to survive and have some ease.
Think deeper then that.. What they care about is knowing that someone cares enough about them to appreciate them enough to help take of them.

To feel valued enough for their time that you want to see them have ease and wellbeing

Monday, May 16, 2022

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Everything is going to be ok

Everything will wOrk out the way you want it to
It s ok
Don't wOrry about anything
It safe fOr you to feel at peace
It safe fOr took relax of you want to
It ok for you to feel happy
And at peace and relaxed and content
It ok to remember happy times and too Find joy in them when you wake up you will rmemeber you sleep dreams and be a able to write them down or record them
You will have happy dreams
And you will find a way to acoomplish you wishe desires and goals and dreams for ypur life that you want to see happen
Everything will be easy for you
Harm will stay safely away
Prosperty and success of that which you want to achieve will happen
All Obstacles will stop being obstacles but instead will be the the very things that will help you to achieve your dreams

You will  have gopd health and so will everyone that you loven

854am sep 25 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Its funny, when i explained to my mom the differences between joe biden and bernie sanders she was horrified that people would even consider voting for Biden.  We explained to her how many of the news outlets were not sharing all the womderful ways that Bernie has been fighting for the american people his whole entire career. How even now, in his emails to his supporters, instead of asking for money for his campaign, Bernie only asks his supporters to put their money towards charities that are trying to support the American People.  We need people to share the word underground to help make Bernie Sanders to become the next President.  As of this date, there is still time to reach out to people via phone and start callng people in states that havent voted yet to tell them about Bernie.  Before you call, read this article though so you can have some important data of why it is so important that we have Bernie Sanders be our Next President!!!  #onlyBernie #BernieSanders4President #BernieCares #MedicareforALL #GreenNewDeal #WeNeedBernie!

Monday, December 22, 2014

A child only does this when...

The only times i have witnessed a child (or an adult for that matter) try to manipulate a person is if they have found no other way to get their needs met. So if you think a xhild or adult is doing this, then stop and look at your behaiour and take a moment to figure out what you can do differently yourself to get their percived unmet needs met.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

so how to begin the change: if you've been to a museum that is showing the last reef, contact the museum and ask them to be a leading role model by supporting the grid with either solar/wind/or geothermal/, and ask them to stop selling those snack foods which come either use up energy by having to be transporting from other cities and add to the environmental problem by how they were farmed/processed. Provide them with alternative choices of locally grown and sustainably processed snacks. Maybe even convince them to have an onsite aquaponics system set up. If we can get the museums to change what they sell as a starting point, that will help to teach others. Next, get the schools to change.. help them get an aquaponics system installed or a hugelkultur bed set up on their property. (maybe both and a regular garden bed so the kids can explore the difference and compare to see which is a more effective way to garden.) Next, get the companies that give food away to the poor to get together with the tree-cutting companies to find an empty lot in the parts of town where the community needs food and create a walkin garden grocery store like mentioned in Then ask every agricultural farmer you know of to learn about hugelkultur and aquaponics and food forests. Throughout all this, keep contacting the city government to allow people to use abandoned city lots and turn them into community food forests using hugelkultur ideas and to get them to insist that all tree-cutting companies and yard companies make sure the waste is being kept out of landfills and put into hugelkultur or composting projects. All this is a start, at least, and something within our individual power to be able to do. Ideally, one day all the roads will have solar panels or solar water tubes built in them, and energy balls lining the roadways catching the wind, and every rooftop will be covered either in gardens or some energy collecting way, and everything will and there will not be any more landfillls since everyone will be recycling everything, and education will become free and available to everyone, even more so now then ever before. This really is not as difficult a thing to do as everyone claims. .it's just a matter of doing it.

Monday, July 26, 2010



Sinar Mas Group – Indonesia, Salim Group – Indonesia,
Barito Pacific Group – Indonesia, Bakrie & Brothers Group – Indonesia
Tanjung Lingga – Indonesia, Astra International - Indonesia
Djajanti Group – Indonesia, Kalimanis Group – Indonesia
Kayu Lapis Group – Indonesia, Korindo Group – Indonesia
Gudang Garam – Indonesia, Raja Garuda Mas Group – Indonesia
PT Uniseraya Group - Indonesia, PT Diamond Raya – Indonesia
Mitra Usaha Sejati Abadi (MUSA) – Indonesia, Surya Dumai – Indonesia
Sumalindo Lestari Jaya Group - Indonesia, PT Inhutani - Indonesia
Benua Indah Group – Indonesia,Lyman Group – Indonesia
Alas Kusuma Group - Indonesia, Sumber Mas Group Samarinda - Indonesia
Hasko Group – Indonesia, Central Cipta Murdaya Group – Indonesia
PT Tanjung Kreasi - Indonesia, Rimbunan Hijau – Malaysia
WTK Group – Malaysia, Samling Global Limited - Malaysia
Kerwara Limited – Malaysia

Sinar Mas Group- Indonesia,Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) – Indonesia
Indah Kiat – Indonesia, Kertas Nusantura - Indonesia
Kalimanis Group – Indonesia, Raja Garuda Mas – Indonesia
Kiani Kertas – Indonesia, Raja Garuda Mas International – Indonesia
Asia Pacific Ressources International Holdings (APRIL) – Indonesia
PT Inti Indorayon Utama – Indonesia, PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper - Indonesia
PT Tanjung Enim Lestari Pulp and Paper (TEL) - Indonesia
PT Musi Hutan Persada Pacific Timber – Indonesia, PT Arara Abadi – Indonesia
United Fiber System Limited (Unifiber) - Singapore, Jaakko Pöyry - Finland

Sinar Mas Group - Indonesia, Astra Agro Lestari – Indonesia
Raja Garuda Mas International – Indonesia, Asian Agri – Indonesia
Salim Group - Indonesia, Inti Indosawit Subur - Indonesia
Musim Mas Group – Indonesia, Duta Palma – Indonesia
Inexco – Indonesia, Indofood Sukses Makmur – Indonesia
Makin Group – Indonesia, London Sumatra – Indonesia
Bakrie and Brothers – Indonesia, Anglo Eastern Plantations Plc – Indonesia
First Resources Limited – Indonesia, Agro Group – Indonesia
Austindo Nusantara Jaya – Indonesia, Surya Dumai Group - Indonesia
Sime Darby Group – Malaysia, IOI Group – Malaysia
JC Chang Group – Malaysia, Guthrie – Malaysia
Golden Hope – Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Kepong – Malaysia
Asiatic Development – Malaysia, Boustead Holdings – Malaysia
United Plantations – Malaysia, IJM Plantations – Malaysia
Tradewinds Plantation – Malaysia, Golden Agri – Singapore
CTP Holdings Pte Ltd – Singapore,
MP Evans Group – United Kingdom, Socfindo – Belgium
Wilmar / Kuok / ADM - USA
Cargill - USA

World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Trade Organization (WTO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Resources Institute (WRI)

COFACE – France, Export Credits Guarentee Department (ECGD) – United Kingdom
Export Import Bank (EX-IM) – USA, Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund – Japan
Finnvera - Finland, Export Development Canada - Canada, Export Credit Guarantee Board – Sweden, CellMark - Sweden, Gerling-NCM - Germany
National Machinery Equipment Import Export Corporation (CMEC) – China
China Export & Credit Insurance Corporahtion - China

Sinar Mas Bank – Indonesia,ABN Amro Bank – Indonesia, Bank Central Asia - Indonesia
Bank Mandiri – Indonesia, Babobank Duta - Indonesia, Bank DBS – Indonesia
Bank Panin – Indonesia, Bank Resona Perdania – Indonesia, Danareksa Securities – Indonesia
OCBC Bank – Singapore, DBS Bank – Singapore, AFC Merchant Bank - Singapore, CIBM Group – Malaysia, Malayan Banking - Malaysia
SOCFIN – Belgium, Sipet – Belgium, Bank Brussels Lambert – Belgium
Raifeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG – Austria, Andritz – Austria
Rabobank – Netherlands, ING Bank- Netherlands, Fortis Bank – Netherlands
German Development Bank (DEG) – Germany, Deutsche Bank – Germany
Commerzbank – Germany, HSH Nordbank AG – Germany
HSBC – United Kingdom, Legal & General – United Kingdom
Barclays – United Kingdom, Standard Chartered Bank - United Kingdom
Royal Bank of Scotland – United Kingdom, Edinburgh Java Trust – United Kingdom
Collins Stewart – United Kingdom, Loyds Bank – United Kingdom
Numis Corporation – United Kingdom, Astra Zeneca – Sweden / United Kingdom
UBS – Switzerland, Credit Suisse – Switzerland, Goldman Sachs - Switzerland
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (UFJ) – Japan, Mizuho Bank - Japan
Vivendi Water – France, Natixis – France, BNP Paribas - France
Credit Agricole РFrance, AXA РFrance, Soci̩t̩ G̩n̩rale РFrance
Citibank – USA, Cornell Capital Partners – USA
Merrill Lynch – USA, Morgan Stanley – USA
JP Morgan Chase – USA, Lehman Brothers – USA
Amroc – USA, Blackrock – USA

CSH Industrial Group - Singapore, Aeonic International Trade - Singapore
Wajilam Exports – Singapore, Jason Parquet - Singapore
Neeshai Trading – Singapore, Nature Wood - SIngapore
Chippel Overseas Supplies – Singapore, Tong Hin Timber Group - Singapore
Sitra Holdings – Singapore, Chiang Leng Hup Plywood - Singapore
Pargan - Singapore, Sunlight Mercantile – Singapore
Sunrise Doors International - Singapore, Wason Industries – Singapore
Dowlet Trading Enterprises – Singapore
Pan Majestic Holdings – Malaysia, Acmeco Ventures – Malaysia
Flooring Box - Malaysia, Hok Lai Timber - Malaysia
Kim Teck Lee Timber Flooring – Malaysia, McCorry Group - Malaysia
Sumec International Technology Trade – China,
Jiangsu Kuaile Wood Industry Group – China
Xiamen Xinda Import Export Trading Company – China
Sino Forest Corporation – China, Celandine Co. – China
Montague Meyer – United Kingdom, Wolseley Group – United Kingdom
Homebase – United Kingdom, Habitat – United Kingdom
International Plywood – United Kingdom
Premier Forest Products – United Kingdom
Kingfisher Group (B&Q, Castorama, Brico D̩p̫ts, Hornbach) РUnited Kingdom
John Lewis – United Kingdom, Travis Perkins - United Kingdom
Kiani – United Kingdom, Wolseley Group – United Kingdom
Maison du Monde – United Kingdom, Jewson – United Kingdom
Allied Carpets – United Kingdom, Caledonian Plywood - United Kingdom
Cipta - United Kingdom, Wood International Agency - United Kingdom
Les Mousquetaires (Bricomarch̩) - France, Leroy Merlin РFrance
Saint Gobain Group (Point P / Lapeyre / Jewson / Raab Karcher / Dahl) - France
Maison Coloniale - France, Pier Import - France
Pont Meyer – Netherlands, Hoek Lopik – Netherlands, Oldeboom – Netherlands
Tarkett - Germany, Possling – Germany, Roggemenn – Germany
Daiken – Japan, Seihuko – Japan, Nippindo – Japan
Kahrs - Sweden, IKEA– Sweden,DLH Group – Denmark, Junckers – Denmark
Finnforest - Finland, FEPCO – Belgium
Glencore International – Switzerland, Goodfellow – Canada
Armstrong World Industries - USA, Lowe’s - USA
Koch Industries Inc. - USA, Chesapeake Hardwoods – USA
Plywood Tropics – USA, Geogia Pacific – USA
Taraca Pacific – USA, North Pacific Lumber – USA`
Far East American – USA, IHLO sales & Imports - USA
The Home Depot – USA

International Paper Company – USA, Weyerhaeuser Company – USA
Kimberly-Clark - USA, MeadWestvaco Corporation - USA
Procter & Gamble - USA, Koch Industries - USA
United Fiber System Limited (Unifiber) – Singapore,PaperlinX Asia - Singapore
OJI Paper – Japan, Nippon Paper Group - Japan
Sumitomo Forestry Co - Japan, Marubeni Corporation - Japan
Itochu -Japan, Marubeni – Japan, Sojitz – Japan
Stora Enso Oyj - Finland, UPM-Kymmene Corporation - Finland
Metsälliitto - Finland, Cellmark – Sweden
Bomo-Cypap Pulp and Paper– Cyprus

Sinar Mas Group – Indonesia, Permata Hijau Sawit – Indonesia
Golden Agri – Indonesia, Indofood Sukses Makmur – Indonesia
Arnott Indonesia – Indonesia, Wilmar Group – Singapore
Charleston Holdings (Tropical Oil Products) - Singapore
Pacific Rim Plantations Services – Singapore
Olam International - Singapore, Lam Soon - Singapore
Intercontinental Oils and Fats – Singapore
Kuok Group – Malaysia, Sime Darby – Malaysia
Giant – Malaysia, Mitsui & Co – Malaysia
Yee Lee Corporation – Malaysia, Intercontinental Specialty Fats - Malaysia
SSD Oils Mills Co – India, Nirma – India
Hindustan Lever – India, Godrej Industries – India
China Grains & Oils Group Corporation – China
China National Vegetable Oil Corporation – China
Beijing Orient-Huaken Cereal & Oil – China
Beijing Heyirong Cereals & Oils – China
Unilever - Netherlands / United Kingdom, HJ Heinz – United Kingdom
Cadbury Schweppes – United Kingdom,Body Shop International – United Kingdom
Tesco - United Kingdom, Sainsbury's – United Kingdom
Boots – United Kingdom, Marks and Spencer – United Kingdom
Macphilips Foods – United Kingdom, Compas Group – United Kingdom
Associated British Foods – United Kingdom, Tate & Lyle – United Kingdom
Musgrave – United Kingdom, John Lewis Partnership – United Kingdom
Co-operative Group – United Kingdom, ASDA – United Kingdom
Britannia Food Ingredients – United Kingdom
United Biscuits – United Kingdom, Aarhus – United Kingdom
Northern Foods plc – United Kingdom, Burton’s Foods Ltd – United Kingdom
Croda – United Kingdom, Whitbread Group – United Kingdom
ICI – United Kingdom, ASDA – United Kingdom
Waitrose – United Kingdom, Morrisons – United Kingdom
Carrefour – France, Edouard Leclerc - France
Auchan – France, Pinault Printemps Redoute – France
Danone – France, Gillette – France
SAS Devineau – France, L’Oréal – France
Henkel - Germany, Cognis – Germany
Alfred C Toepfer International – Germany
Metro Group – Germany, Aldi Group – Germany
Schwarz Group – Germany, Rewe – Germany
Cognis – Germany, Cremer Oleo – Germany
Walter Rau – Germany, ALDI Group – Germany
Goodman Fielder – Australia, Gardner Smith – Australia
Coles Group – Australia, Australian Food – Australia
Woolworths Limited – Australia, Arnott's - Australia
Foodstuffs – New Zealand, Progressive Enterprises – New Zealand
Ahold NV - Nertherlands, CSM – Netherlands
Cefetra – Netherlands, Glencore Grain – Netherlands
Nidera – Netherlands, Akzo Nobel - Netherlands
Nestl̩ - Switzerland, Barry Callebaut РSwitzerland
Glencore International – Switzerland, Lindt – Switzerland, Florin – Switzerland
Nutriswiss – Switzerland, Coop – Switzerland, Migros - Switzerland
DaiEi – Japan, Kao Corporation – Japan, Saraya Co Ltd – Japan
Fuji Oil Group – Japan, Mitsubishi Corporation – Japan
Myojo Foods – Japan, Rainbow Energy Corporation - Japan
Arthur Goethels – Belgium, Delhalze Group – Belgium
FEDIOL - Belgium, Danisco – Denmark,Dragsbaek – Denmark
Goteborts Kex – Sweden,Cloetta Fazer – Sweden
Mills DA – Norway, Orkla Group – Norway, Saetre Kjeks – Norway
Kantolan Keksi – Finland, Musgrave Budgens Longis - Ireland
Savola – Saudi Arabia, Thai President Foods - Thailand
Cargill - USA, Bunge – USA
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) - USA
Kentuky Fried Chicken (KFC) - USA
Kraft - USA, ConAgra Trade Group Inc. – USA
Reckitt Benckiser - USA, Procter & Gamble - USA
Johnson & Johnson – USA, Wal-Mart - USA
Hershey - USA, Kroger Co - USA
Shaw’s – USA, Safeway Inc – USA
Costco Wholesale Corporation – USA
Kroger Co – USA, Pepsi Co Inc. - USA
Krafts Food Inc. - USA, SYSCO - USA
Pizza Hut -USA, Mc Cain - USA
Burger King – USA. Mc Donalds – USA
US Foodservice – USA, Aramark – USA
Est̩e Lauder РUSA, McKee Foods Corporation РUSA
Kellogg's – USA, Starbuck – USA
Colgate Palmolive – USA, Safeway – USA
Shaw’s – USA, Albertson’s – USA
Ahold – USA, Sara Lee Corporation - USA

Wilmar Group - Singapore, Continental BioEnergy – Singapore
Carotino Sdn Bhd - Malaysia, Zurex Corporation – Malaysia
SPC Biodiesel – Malaysia, DXN Oleochemicals - Malaysia
PT Vision Renewable fuels - Malaysia
Natural Fuel – Australia, PME Biofuels – Australia
Mission NewEnergy Limited – Australia, Sterling Bioduels - Australia
Biofuels Corporation – United Kingdom, Greenergy – United Kingdom
BP International – United Kingdom, D1 Oils –United Kingdom
EDF Energy – United Kingdom, WHEB Biofuels – United Kingdom
BioX Group – Netherlands, Costal Energy limited – India
ED&F Man Biofuels – France, BioDiesel Oils – New Zealand
Neste Oil – Finland, OKQ8 - Sweden
ECO Solutions Co – South Korea,Rainbow Energy Corporation – Japan
Biopetrol Industries - Switzerland
Cargill – USA
BioFuel Merchants (BFM) – USA


Sunday, July 25, 2010

i like this bit of random wisdom

i liked the Daryl character in this story.. calm..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

may all the learning, wisdom, technology, beauty of humanity and humanity itself survive

i just saw the most beautiful and horrific but inspiring and hopeful movie ever tonight.
which maybe I might be able toi inspire you to put together a large gathering to watch : preferably while outside in the city
I saw it outside under the looming towers of downtown in this manmade park that was created as a place to have some greenery, adn it was the most spectacular backdrop
for this movie

may all the learning, wisdom, technology, beauty of humanity and humanity itself survive and walk away being more sustainable, living in harmony, compassionate, getting ALL everyone's needs met, and with all of our thoughts recorded into permanence.

may i and family survive too and all that we know and love and believe in.

watch HOME:

I am so grateful for the movie and hope everyone I ever meet sees that movie. And I personally think the best place to see that movie is outside in a green field/park with the downtown building looming overhead. It was such the most perfect backdrop for this movie. And having it at a park which in itself is a perfect representation of hope. oh wow. Whatever I can do as a mere person to have this show shown again at discovery green, I will do, because I would really like to see this show offered there again and again for all the

people who missed it tonight and for those who might want to see it again. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ignorance will leave us deaf: sound levels

I keep being stunned by how loud organizations play music around kids.. the miller outdoor theatre, the children's museum..
I am very sound sensitive and often have trouble being in a place with the sounds being too loud for too long without getting a little nauseous or unnerved myself. But, I worry not only for myself and my child, but dam well everyone else too. Dear friend's of mine.. please know this info and share it with others, especially those who work with sound levels and owners who use a lot of sound:

"Noise is probably the most common occupational hazard facing people today. It is estimated that as many as 30 million Americans are exposed to potentially harmful sounds at work. Even outside of work, many people participate in recreational activities that can produce harmful noise (musical concerts, use of power tools, etc.). " [^1]

Decibel Exposure Time Guidelines [^1]
Accepted standards for recommended permissible exposure time for continuous time weighted average noise, according to NIOSH and CDC, 2002. For every 3 dBs over 85dB, the permissible exposure time before possible damage can occur is cut in half.

Continuous dB Permissible Exposure Time without damage
85 db 8 hours
88 dB 4 hours
91 db 2 hours
94 db 1 hour
97 db 30 minutes
(a large orchestra is about this loud)
100 db 15 minutes
103 db 7.5 minutes
106 dB 3.75 min (< 4min)
109 dB 1.875 min (< 2min)

this is where I keep finding people subjecting themselves to this willingly and unknowinly and it seems as if the sound designers are so intent on you hearing the music over the crowd so loudly that they figure, hey, it's not worth it unless it's here. if you care so much, wear ear plugs.

112 dB .9375 min (~1 min)
115 dB .46875 min (~30 sec)

think of it this way:
Whisper 20dB
Normal Conversation 60 dB
Busy Street Traffic 70 dB
Vacuum Cleaner 80 dB
Large Orchestra 98 dB
Walkman at Maximum Level 100 dB
Front Rows of Rock Concert 110 dB

Threshold of Pain 130 dB
Military Jet Takeoff 140 dB
Instant Perforation of Eardrum 160 dB

ref 1)
ref 2)
they are actually some neat links to browse through.

and hey,if you really don't care about this, and want me to shut up, be quiet, and just protect my ears and stop complaining, would you be a dear and buy me some custom made earplugs.. they cost a miminum of $75 per ear, since the storebought cheap earplugs don't seem to fit into my ears or my son's very well. And unfortunately $75/ear is outside of my budget despite how important they are.

thank you for listening to my gripe.. hopefully you will help me spread awareness and make changes in this world which are considerate of the health of those around us. ;) please.
please, or at least keep encouraging me to do help spread awareness.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

i hope the nciu units listen, I hope nurses listen, I hope I hope

goddam it, when are they going to teach this in the medical and nursing schools, this is where it begins!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

breastfeeding links

misc. not very helpful, but might help you.

about the counterarguments to breastfeeding:

during stressful times:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

arrgh, reading this left me worried about the ignorance of people

on reading the assault on conscience:

the media is teaching people to be fearful and ignorant, please, if you know me, be informed. please.

you don't HAVE to sit in shit!

personally, I think everyone ec's in that even when you leave you child in a diaper, you are communicating something...
and that something is that it's okay to sit in your shit.
personally, i don't get how people find that acceptable.
which is one reason why I squirmed against the norm, and seized on the EC'ing ideas
when I came across them as the months went by. By the time he was one, we had gotten the poopies figured out so he didn't have to sit in shit.
but i do agree, the pees took a little longer.
but even as a baby he knew he didn't want to sit in shit, and if was MUCH more convenient to get him to a potty then to clean a diaper and bum covered in goo.
so if you want more to browse some more info,
i liked these sites:
especially check out the one for older babies.
books to read or glance at:
Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by Ingrid Bauer
Diaper Free Baby by Christine Gross-Loh
Diaper Free Before 3 by Jill Lekovic
Infant Potty Training by Laurie Boucke
Trickle Treat by Laurie Boucke

a whole bunch of cosleeping or sharingbed links

i'll add to when I spot them

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

topol, heart, and cosleeping

if i were a rich man, I'd itty bitty ditty do
I'd follow Topol on his farewell tour and see fiddler on the roof over and over and over again.
It's just as well, that we saw the last showing here which was fantastic.. the crowd cheering on clapping to beat at the end. for if i had seen it earlier, i would have spent several more 100 on seeing the show over and over again. oh.. i really wish I had the binoculars. i would have even been willin to pay top dollar for front row if I had realized it was topol we were seeing. I was just thinking it was another random show of fiddler, which i always like to see, but it was the man, the man himself, and this is the last time i'm going to see him live. man if i had known.
i would have spent a LOT more money.

heart. it may be benign but it's still uncomfortable and loud and a scary feeling which gets me all scared about how long do I actuallly get to live. i've got to figufre out how to live to be over a 100. with healthy mind and heart and body.

i was peeved to find out today about the campaign in NY and Philly which was a step backwards in the world of awareness and education about co-sleeping and it's benefits.
see mothering issue jan/feb 2009 issue I'll get link up when I can find it.

another good link to look at with history of how being scared of co-sleeping affected the world:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

could you just imagine?

Could you just imagine if everyone had either a solar tiled roof or a green roof?

Wouldn't it be great if there was a law that said that all commercial rooftops were required to either have a solar or a green roof. It is possible!
Ask the owners of your local businesses and encourage them that you would appreciate it. Contact your congressmen and local political leaders.
and hey, while you are at it, Look into doing it for your own home!

Couldn't you just imagine how different our world would be .. how much more beautiful and ecologically sound it would be?

Have you heard, they now have solar-paneled tiles to cover the current tiles you have:

According to, you have an assortment of options: "three-tab solar shingles, flat solar tiles with lap-joints, solar material that comes in rolls and lies between raised-seam metal roof sections, and thin-film solar wafers that go between two panes of glass but allow some light to pass."

Save the bird and bats, when going alternative , go solar instead of wind. here's why: or
although on after thought, if the clouds ever block out the sun too much, there will in theory always be wind. plus they do have new wind energy ball I've heard about: (put link in later)

r go green: (see some great pictures and ideas)

but if you do go green, even though the Green Roof Tiles made by Toyota Roof Garden look easy and simple to put on your roof, please be aware of the ecological consequences of it.
please oh please,
make sure you go with NATIVE plants "specifically designed to support local bird and insect populations," like the idea behind the new Bio-Tops in Japan ( (see disadvantages))
or something like the green roof being done in Egypt mentioned in same article

and while we are having hope for the future world: check out the compressed air car with a rotary engine by Angelo Di Pietro in
which i like much better than the midi car in

Friday, January 11, 2008

loving seattle

this was my very first post back in 1/11/08
but i never published it. i'll go ahead and do so now.

When I first moved to Seattle, all I knew about was the traffic. And that it had great views. And that the thought that if my husband actually stayed out in Seattle without us for a whole year like originally planned, that we would grow far apart. I had heard of the rain, but didn't believe it, since my only experience in the northwest, it had rained very little indeed. But I liked Colorado. well, okay, specifically i like flatirons, the amazing clouds and sunsets(although i liked this in texas, too), i liked boulder, i liked the mountains, i liked the wildnerness an easy drive away. I did miss the water, but the cool weather kind of made up for it. But now that I am being essentially forced to move Seattle sooner than I had planned, I realized that I really love Seattle.. almost everything about it. ok, the traffic and road system isn't great, but the views. man, those views, more than make up for it, and even make being in the passenger seat quite wonderful. i love our apartment, and the view of the water, the tall ceilings, the large living room area, the little hallway that connects the bedroom and the living area in such a way that you can see into the living area while on the bed, and you still feel connected, the kitchen with the bar that lets you see into the living area. So no matter where you are you feel connected to the rest of the place. (although you can close the door if you need to.) the only minus was the way scott's sounds reverberated extra loud. he is one noisy guy. I LOVE the parks, the zillions of them, the air, the NO mesquitos, the connection seattle feels with the outdoors. the views of the mountains, the lakes, the sound, the water, the sky. I love the museums and assortment of other attractions. When I moved here and looked at what there was to do in Seattle, I remember thinking I could live here five years actively doing somehting every weekend, and still not have done everything there is to do here and in surrounding areas. And there were all things that I would WANT to do, unlike some other places that might i have a lot to do,but may not be things I would want to do, or in our case,may not be particularly ideal for a family to do. But, Seattle is by far one of the best places to raise ones kids up in. Okay, so there isn't much sunlight in the winter. and I do believe it is important for young kids to have lots of sun, but so hey, ya leave town and take a couple of vacations to go south for some sun for a month or so in the winter. *and don't forget to take your vitamin D supplements. Ahh, and the people.

the family away from family.

and yet having found people with similar parenting viewpoints, values, ideas, ideals as mine who I see as mentors and peers,these people are in a way just as to special to me as my biological family.
I wish to surround myself, my child, my husband with these wonderful people I so admire and trust.
who inspire me to grow, and learn, and

so why in crap are we leaving?: